Tag Archives: Globalni Jug

Global South is gravitating toward China

By HUSSEIN ASKARY | China Daily Global | Updated: 2024-07-30 07:49 https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202407/30/WS66a82a93a31095c51c5109ef.html While Western powers pursue a hostile policy based on a zero-sum-game mentality and a false sense of superiority, China is seen as a leader among equals In the just concluded third plenary session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, certain aspects pertaining to the …

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The world indeed is divided as West versus ‘Rest’

https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202404/26/WS662ae962a31082fc043c4143.html By Chen Weihua | China Daily | Updated: 2024-04-26 07:38 Representatives from the United Nations Security Council vote on Thursday in New York on a draft resolution that recommended the UN General Assembly admit Palestine as a full UN member. The resolution failed, as it was vetoed by the United States. MINLU ZHANG / China Daily The world is …

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Робни извоз Демократске републике Конго

Према робној вредности извоза у 2021. између Србије (25,6 милијарди долара) и Хрватске (21,8) нашле су се ДР Конго (22,3), Естонија (22,3) и Азербејџан (22,2 милијарде долара). За Србију, Естонију и Хрватску су изашли подаци за 2022, док за Конго и Азербејџан нису па смо приказали њене податке за 2021. ДР Конго је у 2015. имао вредност извоза мању за …

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