U Albaniji između dva popisa smanjen broj stanovnika za 7,7%


Based on the preliminary results, the total population of Albania is 2,831,741. According to the 2001 Population and Housing Census, the population of Albania was in 2001 equal to 3,069,275. The comparison of the figures shows that the population of Albania has decreased by 7.7% in about ten years. Large scale emigration and fertility decline are supposed to be the main
causes of the observed population decrease.

The total population is composed of 1,421,810 males (50.2%) and 1,409,931 females (49.8%), on the basis of the preliminary census data.

For the first time in the history of population censuses in Albania, the population in urban areas is larger than the population of rural areas. According to 2011 census preliminary results, 53.7% of the population lives in urban areas and 46.3% in rural areas.

According to the preliminary results, the total number of buildings is 686,405. In 2001 this was 512,387, implying an increase of 34.0%.


2 komentara

  1. Eto ti sad. Bio sam iznenadjen prosle godine kada je objavljeno sa Kosova da po popisu ima samo oko 1.7-1.8 miliona stanovnika. Izgleda da Albanke ne radjaju mnogo dece kao ranije.

  2. Ono sto ce se demografski desiti Albancima i bosanskim muslimanima u slijedecih 15 godina, Srbi ce izgledati kao Nigerijci!

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