Putovanja Slovenaca u inostranstvo u 2014 godini

Prema podacima Zavoda za statistiku Slovenije njeni građani su u 2014 godini potrošili u inostranstvu po 56 evra po jednom noćenju. Pri tome je prosečno u Srbiji potrošeno po 97 evra, a u Hrvatskoj samo 35, što je posledica pretežnog dolaska u Srbiju iz poslovnih razloga, dok se u Hrvatsku odlazi turistički.

Slovenci su povećali broj noćenja u BiH sa 505 hiljada u 2012 na 797 hiljada u 2014 godini, ali su smanjili prosečnu dnevnu potrošnju sa 48 evra, na 28 evra, pa je korist hotelima, restoranima i drugima i BiH zapravo smanjena sa 24,1 na 22 miliona evra.

U Srbiji je, prema ovim podacima, smanjen broj noćenja Slovenaca sa 329 na 205 hiljada, ali je povećana prosečna potrošnja sa 79 na 97 evra, te su Slovenci u Srbiji potrošili 26 miliona evra u 2012 godini, 23,3 miliona u 2013 i 19,8 miliona evra u 2014 godini.

Izvor: Statistical office RS
Slovenian residents went on more than 4 million private trips in 2014
In 2014, 63% of Slovenian residents aged 15 years or more went on at least one private trip. 4,045,000 private trips with 16,997,000 overnight stays were made.

Travel intensity on private trips was 63%

In 2014, 1,106,000 or 63% of Slovenian residents aged 15 years or more went on at least one private trip. Around 4,045,000 private trips were made, 56% of them abroad. The most visited destination abroad was Croatia (65% of all private trips made abroad), followed by Italy (6%), Bosnia and Herzegovina (5%) and Austria (5%).

On private trips almost 17 million overnight stays were made

On private trips around 16,997,000 overnight stays were made. 61% of overnight stays were made in rented accommodations and 39% in non-rented accommodations. 21% of overnight stays were made in hotels and similar establishments, 11% in campsites and 30% in other rented accommodation establishments. 21% of overnight stays were made at friends and relatives and 17% in own holiday homes.

Accommodation expenditure represented one third of the total expenditure on private trips

Tourists on private trips spent on average EUR 45 per day. Tourists staying in a hotel or motel spent the most (EUR 88 per day), and tourists staying in their own holiday homes spent the least (EUR 20 per day). The highest share in the structure of expenditure was that of expenditure for accommodation (35%), followed by expenditure for transport with 28%, expenditure for food and drinks in restaurants and cafes with 17% and expenditure for other services and shopping with 21%.

Majority of those who did not go on private trips stayed at home due to financial reasons

654,000 or 37% of residents of Slovenia aged 15 years or more did not go on any private trips in 2014. As a reason for not going (multiple reasons could be stated) more than a half (52%) stated financial reasons, a third (33%) health reasons, 19% did not feel the need to go, while 17% stated lack of time due to work as a reason for not going.

Business trips abroad represent four-fifths of all business trips

In 2014, 243,000 or 14% of the Slovenian residents aged 15 years or more went on at least one business or study trip. Around 486,000 business trips were made, 81% of them abroad, mostly in Germany (18% of business trips abroad) and Austria (15%).

Two million same-day visits abroad

In 2014 residents of Slovenia aged 15 years or more went on about 2,030,000 same-day visits abroad (83% were private and 17% were business same-day visits). Most of the same-day visits abroad were in Austria (36%) and Italy (34%). On a private same-day visit abroad on average EUR 50 per person was spent and on a business same-day visit abroad on average EUR 99 per person.

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