UNMIK Kosovo: Cene VII 2012


Consumer Price Index (CPI) for July 2012

Overall index of consumer prices in Kosovo remained unchanged 0,0 % in July 2012, compared with June 2012. July 2011 compared with June 2011 dropped for -0,5%. The inflation rate as measured in July 2012 to July 2011 was 2,2%.


July 2012 – June 2012 0.0%

Despite the unchanged of the total index of the consumer prices, there are some changes noted to the prices. The rose of prices is noted to subgroup sugar, jam, honey, chocolate and sweets (2,3%) with an impact of 0,1 percent as well as some consumer groups with a common impact of 0,1 percent in the CPI.

The observed decline in prices was to subgroup of vegetables (-3,4%) with an impact of -0,2

percent in the CPI.


July 2012 – July 2011 2,2%

Consumer prices in Kosovo rose to 2,2% in July 2012 compared with July 2011. Increased prices were mainly observed to subgroup of tobacco (8,6%), electricity, gas and other fuels (8,1%) to each subgroup with an impact of 0,4 percent. Meat (3,8%), vegetables (6,3%), use of personal transport equipment (4,0%), newspapers, books and stationery (19,5%) to each subgroup with an impact of 0,3 percent. Milk, cheese and eggs (1,8%), fruits (2,7%), clothing (2,0%), footwear (4,4%), maitenance and repair of the dwelling (5,9%), water supply and various services related to residence (11,9%), goods and services for maintenance of household economy (2,0%) to each subgroup with an impact of 0,1 percent, as well as some consumer groups with a common impact of 0,4 percent in the CPI.

The observed decline in prices was for bread and cereals (-7,1%) with an impact of -0,6 percent. Oils and fats (-3,9%), sugar, jam, honey, chocolate and sweets (-3,9%), equipment, telephone and fax services (-4,4%) (Decline of prices for international calls) to each subgroup with an impact of -0,1 percent in the CPI.

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